The Most Boring Job I Never Asked For

I have 15 days of my DMT left, and I usually receive my next delivery date when I have just over 3 weeks to go.  I call the clinical homecare number; “Oh, how strange.  Let me look into that for you… ah, it seems we haven’t received your prescription from the hospital.  I’ll chase theContinue reading “The Most Boring Job I Never Asked For”

The Curious Thing About Time and MS

“So, what do you do?” The question that makes my toes curl and my heart beat a little faster. I wish I had the presence of mind, and the courage, to say; “Well, I do many things. I write a blog, I volunteer as a ‘buddy’ providing support to those newly diagnosed with MS, IContinue reading “The Curious Thing About Time and MS”

My Body Is My Own

I’m sure we’ve all been in medical settings feeling vulnerable and exposed, poked and prodded; feeling more like an anatomical curio at the mercy of a doctor and her medical student than a living, breathing, rounded person with likes and dislikes of our own.  I can remember that feeling, but I don’t really experience itContinue reading “My Body Is My Own”


First of all I’d like to point out that MS is sometimes referred to as the “snowflake disease”, because no two people with MS will experience it the same. As the damage occurs anywhere in the brain, and down the spinal cord, symptoms vary greatly from person to person. I’m pointing this out because inContinue reading “Invisible”

What’s It Like To Have MS?

“What’s it like to have MS?” I’m sure many of my fellow PwMS (people with MS) would readily be able to answer that innocuous question. They would be able to talk about the impact that their symptoms have on their day-to-day life, the changes that have taken place since their diagnosis, how a life withContinue reading “What’s It Like To Have MS?”

I’m A Lover, Not A Fighter

Content Warning: This post briefly touches on my experience following a restricted diet, and the impact that had on my mental wellbeing and relationship with food. How do you visualise MS? I visualise little white blobs, with little hands, little feet, pin-prick eyes, tiny teeth, and wearing tiny yellow hard-hats. These little blob-workers are myContinue reading “I’m A Lover, Not A Fighter”